You Are the Key to Discover Teas
Did you know that every purchase you make is an investment in Discover Teas? You are the key to our success. That’s right, it’s because of you that we even exist and can keep doing what we do—spreading love through tea. It’s because of you we are able to provide exceptional quality tea with a good conscience; we see the joy in people’s eyes as their day takes a turn for the better; we see people’s lives impacted with tea creating special moments for them, their family, their friends. In our own little way, we are all working together to make the world a better place, starting with a cup of tea.
I know; it sounds very melodramatic. At the same time, that is what is so exciting about what we do at Discover Teas and why we’re all so passionate about it!
This month, we celebrate you. We want you to know you are important to us, and we truly appreciate the continued support through the years. Know that each purchase makes a difference, that you are an integral part of our business. YOU are the key to Discover Teas. We are grateful!
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