Kicking Off a Healthy New Year with Hot Tea Month!
Sure, January is the time for football playoffs, ice skating, and cozy fireplaces. It’s National Get Organized Month, National Financial Wellness Month, and National Oatmeal, Soup, and Hobby Month (not all those together though). But did you know it is also time for hot tea?
January is National Hot Tea Month. So get out your kettle, your tea pot, your mug and do some celebrating with beautiful tea leaves. What better way to keep to those New Year’s resolutions for your health than making tea an everyday enjoyment. Besides being one of the healthiest beverages around, it’s hydrating, calming, soothing, warming, nurturing, as well as being a perfect opportunity to be mindful in a moment. Those of us who are totally enthralled with the splendor of tea honor it year round. However, I think it’s pretty cool that hot tea gets “recognized” in January, encouraging folks to take time to celebrate all the ways tea enriches our lives.
Oh, I think it is also noteworthy to mark your calendars for January 21st which is National Hugging Day! Like tea, you can’t have too many hugs. (It happens to be my mom’s birthday as well; big hugs to you Mom!)
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