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The Amazing Rooibos

Many of our customers have heard about rooibos before coming in, but aren’t always sure what it is. Rooibos, which is Afrikaans for "Red Bush," is a plant that only grows in Southern Africa. Often, when a plant is only found in one location, it has exclusive properties and benefits that come from the unique environmental and ecological conditions of that area. I have studied rooibos extensively, and the results are so impressive that, as with my lemongrass blog, I will have to break them up into a couple different blogs. Here are the facts I chose to highlight today.

Rooibos contains numerous vital minerals such as manganese, which is essential for the nervous system, calcium and magnesium, which are good for the bones and teeth, zinc for healthy metabolism, and iron to help blood distribute oxygen to the body's cells. The vitamins and minerals in mineral-dense rooibos also help your body assimilate even more nutrients from your diet.

The calcium and magnesium content in rooibos assists in maintaining good bone structure and stronger teeth, and the effects of rooibos on bone density have also been studied. The body cannot absorb calcium without magnesium and rooibos has a perfectly balanced level of each for total absorption of all of the calcium present. By increasing the bioavailability of minerals in your system, you can reduce your chances of developing conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic joint pain. Magnesium works on an even deeper level and stimulates the enzymes which are required to build new bones and repair damage.

In addition to all of these wonderful benefits, the rooibos plant contains no caffeine, so it's naturally caffeine free, which makes it a perfect beverage whether iced or hot! Our 8 rooibos blends, like our Peach Rooibos and Rooibos Provence, are all flavored naturally, and rooibos is also one of the base components for our WellTeaing blends. Hopefully I have helped inspire you to make rooibos a part of your own personal elixir for life. More to come on the wonderful world of rooibos and its effect on blood sugar!

Kenneth Roberts